Dairy Alternatives

For a variety of reasons, consumers all over the world are considering a dairy-free lifestyle. Even more are curious about trying milk alternatives, yogurt alternatives, cheese alternatives and other plant-based products that are popping up on supermarket shelves. But what will make consumers loyal? They desire taste and texture with no compromise.

Because of CP Kelco’s global reach, we have gained many years of expertise working with customers in the many regions we serve. We have tailored strategies for achieving the creamy, dairy-like taste and mouthfeel discerning consumers expect, as well as overcoming application challenges. From soy to the latest crop of plant protein blends, our team of experts can help you optimize the functions and sensory appeal of your new plant-based dairy alternative formulations.

Find Your Dairy Alternative

Plant-Based Beverages

Add creaminess, enhance suspension, or create a more enjoyable mouthfeel in alternative milk products.

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Plant-Based Cheese Alternatives

Discover our portfolio of sustainably sourced and produced texture solutions that can help you overcome unique plant-based challenges and meet your clean label goals.

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Ice Cream Alternatives

Get the scoop on ingredient solutions to help you develop frozen treats with indulgent texture while you clean up your label.

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Drinking Yogurt Alternatives

CP Kelco has extensive global expertise in drinking yogurt alternatives with several protein sources as well as packaging requirements and shelf life requirements.

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Spoonable Yogurt Alternatives

Discover our portfolio of sustainably sourced and produced stabilizer solutions that can help you overcome plant-based challenges in spoonable yogurt alternatives and meet your clean label goals.

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